Details of
diploma in right to information and post graduate
diploma in right to information
Eligibility : 10+2 Pass in any
discipline for Diploma and Graduation in any Discipline
for PG Diploma
Duration : One Year
Fee : Rs. 11850
Paper - 1
History of Right to Information -
सूचना अधिकार का इतिहास
Paper - 2
Towards the Right to Information in India -
भारत में सूचना का अधिकार
Paper - 3
Public Authority -
सार्वजनिक प्राधिकारी
Paper - 4
RTI and Public Interest -
आरटीआई और जनहित
Paper - 5
File Noting and RTI -
पत्रावली टिप्पणियां और सूचना अधिकार
Paper - 6
Privacy and RTI -
प्राइवेसी (स्वकीयता) और आरटीआई
Paper - 7
RTI Act : Structural and Functional Analysis -
सूचना अधिकार अधियनियम : संरचनात्मक एवं कार्यात्मक
Paper - 8
Indispensable Constituents to Understand Law -
कानून को समझने के लिए आधारभूत घटक
Paper - 9
Settled Principle / Maxim / Decisions of Superior Courts
निर्धारित सिद्धांत / मैक्सिम / वरिष्ठ न्यायालयों के
Paper - 10
RTI Amendment Act and State Rules -
सूचना का अधिकार (संसोधित) अधिनियम एवं राज्य नियम,
Paper - 11
Diploma / Post Graduate Diploma Thesis -
डिप्लोमा / स्नातकोत्तर डिप्लोमा शोध ग्रन्थ
Study materials will be
provided to the admitted candidates. After the admitted
students go through the entire study materials, they
will be asked to submit written assignments for all the
five papers in around 35 pages each paper besides
preparing a Project Report / Thesis based on a
topic selected by them related to the Right to
Information with special reference to the local problems
and issues. The same will be submitted to the RTI
Institute of India as a requirement for the award of
Diploma in RTI.
The following is the step by
step method for getting admitted in the different
courses (Diploma / Post Graduate Diploma) in RTI :
1. Get the Prospectus and the
Admission Form by contacting the Director, RTI Institute
of India, D-406, Bhim Basti, Jaunapur, Mandi Road, New
Delhi - 110047 or alternatively, download the same from
the website :
2. Fill up the Admission Form and send the same along
with three photographs, copies of 10 / 10+2 / Graduation
marks-sheet and certificate besides a Bank Draft for the
exact amount mentioned above based on the choice of the
course in the name of “RTI Institute of India” payable
at New Delhi to the Director, RTI Institute of India,
D-406, Bhim Basti, Jaunapur, Mandi Road, New Delhi -
110047 by registered / speed post only.
3. The Identity Card and the Study Materials in Hindi /
English medium will be despatched to the admitted
students within 15 days by registered book post.
4. Admitted students will be required to submit the
following for being eligible for the award of Diploma /
Post Graduate Diploma :
Those admitted in the Diploma / Post Graduate Diploma
course will be required to go through the study
materials, send the completed assignments and then
submit a Diploma / Post Graduate Diploma Thesis by
selecting a topic relevant to the local conditions and
RTI. The assignments and the thesis will be evaluated
for the award of Diploma / Post Graduate Diploma in RTI.
Declaration of Results
The Project Report for the Diploma Course in RTI
will carry 100 marks and the assignment paper for the
ten theory papers will carry 1000 marks. For the PG
Diploma the Project Report will carry 100 marks and the
assignment papers for the ten theory papers for PG
Diploma will carry 1000 marks. Those who secure 45% or
above marks will be declared to have passed in Second
Those securing 60% or above in First Class. Those
securing 75% or above marks will be placed in First
Class with Distinction / Honours Award of Diploma / Post
Graduate Diploma The Diploma / Post Graduate Diploma in
RTI issued in the names of successful candidates will be
dispatched to them on their respective addresses by
Speed Post within a month from the date of the
declaration of results..
Award of Diploma / Post Graduate Diploma
The Diploma / Post Graduate Diploma in RTI issued in
the names of successful candidates will be despatched to
them on their respective addresses by Speed Post within
a month from the date of the declaration of results.
Tel. : 09810500389
Click here to
download the Admission Form in PDF Format